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A birdfeeder is a fantastic way to liven up your garden.

Here's an easy step-by-step guide to building your own 

custom birdfeeder. Roll up your sleeves and get crafty! 


• Poultry feeder base

• Small-mouthed mason jar 

• Wire (strong but bendable) 

• Drill 

• Pliers with wire cutters

• Birdseed; a.k.a food (varies depending on region) 

Evenly space out and drill four holes in the top of the feeder base. They should be across from each other in an X-type of pattern. 

Cut two segments of wire to about 3 feet in length. Lay them each across and centered on the feeder base. There should be equal parts of wire on each end of the base. Mark where the holes fall along

the wire and bend it to 90 degrees at that spot. Then slide the wire through the holes and upward. 

Snap the top of the feeder base onto the bottom of the base, then screw the jar into theopening on top. Next, bring two wire ends together, twist them a couple inches above the jar and bend them into a hook shape. 

Unscrew the jar from the top of the feeder base.

Fill it all the way up with food of your choice.

Turn the base upside and screw it back onto the mouth of the jar. Quickly, and as smoothly as possible, flip it back over and let the food fill the holes of the base. (This should be done outside in case of a spill. Hey! Spill away! It only means more winged visitors). 

Bring the two remaining pieces of wire together above the jar. Twist them together, wrap them around the base of the hook and then cut off any excess wire. Now go hang it up! Pick a spot where birds will find it and you will be able to watch them enjoy your work. 


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